healthy diet
dear all our visitors,
i write this article with all of my pleasure to tell you about an important thing which is “healthy diet”
i’ll tell you about every thing related the “healthy diet” meaning , food , exercises , juices , images and the effect you will feel
before start we should say that we will
let’s make it our motto
and now let me tell you the meaning of
“healthy diet”
Healthy diet is commitment to healthy eating with the performance of some of exercise that works to improve health , you will feel happy and you will be stronger
now you will know “what will you eat?” ” what healthy food consists of?”
you will eat every thing except canned food ; because it is carry much of calories that strain the heart
eat fruit and vegetables and we have to frequent them because it contains a lot of vitamins that promote heart rate and help the freshness of the skin and keep healthy and also have a strong impact on the psychological
all of us like drinking juices , but how you can drink it without fearing?
we can drink any juice but without sugar , because sugar leads to damage in large include increased blood sugar level thereby to reduce the level of insulin and thus it hurts the pancreas and works to idle , it is also increase the proportion of cholesterol and weight gain
what about meat , chicken and fish?
you will eat all of it cooking without any fat to take all of their usefulness
and now we reach the most important thing in our article “exercises”
It must be the performance of some aerobic exercise daily, and must not be less than one hour to play for and must perform regular walk even half an hour and would be better in the morning
i will show you some images of exercises that will be useful to you sure
As in this image should sleep on your back and bend the knee We will raise the body to the top of this exercise is very good for the belly
after we knew what we should eat and we shouldn’t , now we will know how to manage our day, from waking to sleeping
first thing after waking up you should practice exercise for thirty minutes at least , then take breakfast, which must contain proteins as eggs or cheese, as well as starches and health that are found in oatmeal or molasses toast